Responsible in terms of §5 Telemediengesetz and §55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag: Daniel von Hauenschild
Responsible for the content according to §55 paragraph 2 RStV is also Daniel von Hauenschild.
Medias Reiseservice GmbH
Elbchaussee 114
22763 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 40 – 60 67 40 0
Fax: +49 40 – 60 67 40 93
Commercial Register of Hamburg HRB 65006
VAT ID: DE/812268207
Place of jurisdiction: Hamburg
Person responsible for the contents, in accordance with Section (§) 10 Paragraph 3 of the (aforementioned) MDStV: Mr. Daniel von Hauenschild
Data Privacy Statement
In case of any access by a user to a page from the range of Medias Reiseservice GmbH and in case of any data retrieval of a file, data about this procedure will be stored in a log file. In particular, the following dataset will be stored with reference to each retrieval: Name of the file called up,
Date and time of day of the retrieval, Amount of data transported,
Report as to whether the retrieval was successful, IP address and browser.
Stored data will be evaluated for statistical purposes only. Medias Reiseservice GmbH will evaluate the data in a non-personal manner and will, therefore, not know which user obtained which data. There will be no transfer of data to any third parties.
Medias Reiseservice GmbH
Elbchaussee 114
22763 Hamburg, Germany
Fon +49 40 606740-0
Monday - Friday 9 am to 7 pm
All contacts